In today’s world education is very necessary if you wish to survive in our society. Completing your schooling gives you the base of knowledge that you expand when you go to college. When you take admission in an institute, you are welcomed as a new member to that college and are provided with many possessions that make you a part of that organization. Every university has its website on the Internet today and almost all these institutes provide their students’ certain mail id that is meant for educational purposes and thus comes with a “.edu” domain name. Every student gets a .edu email after enrollment for college communication purposes. The student email benefits are enormous and are recommended be taken.
- What is an .Edu mail? –
When a student takes admission in an educational institute, some things are given to him/her that identifies that particular person as a part of the organization. These items include an identity card, a role number, and an educational email id. A large number of colleges provide this email address to their students which consists of the college name and a “.edu” suffix. This id generally looks like this: This id can be used to receive college emails and other official purposes. But the main advantage is that the Edu mail id can be used to avail a large number of student benefits offered by many sites.
- Advantages of “.edu” mail id –
There are a large number of benefits that come with your Edu mail account. Some of these are academic-related benefits while some are entertainment benefits also. Here is a list of the top advantages that you can get with a “.edu” mail id:
- GitHub Student Developer Pack:
The best academic benefit is that you can get the complete student developer pack using your student mail id. This pack consists of a large number of developer tools and subscriptions using which you can create and host your own websites, use AWS services, and many other features. Generally, the student developer pack consists of 12 offers which are Bitnami, Amazon AWS coupon, digital ocean coupon, CrowdFlower, DN sample, Microsoft azure cloud services, Orchestrate, GitHub, SendGrid, travel CI and the credit of hack hand.
Also Read- 13 Best Websites to get Fake Email Accounts for Free
- Amazon Prime membership:
Using your Edu mail, you can register for the Amazon Student Pack which gives you a free 6-month trial to Amazon Prime services. This means you get access to free 2-day delivery of items bought from Amazon, exclusive discounts and deals for students, Prime Video subscription, and many more Prime benefits.
- Microsoft DreamSpark:
You can get Microsoft DreamSpark that comes with a large number of useful software and also consists of Office 365 subscription totally free of cost. So, you can use all the Office tools like Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, etc. without spending a single dime.
- Coursera:
The last benefit has been launched recently but is an amazing offer. Using your Edu mail id, you can get free certification courses on Coursera. This offer has been launched after the global pandemic but it is a very great option. You can learn new skills and even get specialization for free using Coursera. All you need is a valid student mail account and your organization to be registered on Coursera.
- Ways to get Edu mail for free –
Be it Amazon Prime or GitHub features, Edu mail id has a lot of uses and rewards but it is not easy to get an Edu mail id if you are not a part of any organization and that too for free. However, there are a few tricks that can be used to get “.edu” mail for free. Since Edu mails are mostly prevalent in the USA, you would require to get this mail from a US-based institute. Some options by which you can get this id for free are mentioned below:
- Virginia College Community –
In this method, you basically enroll in the college community using altered details –
- Visit the Sign-up page of the college and click on signup with email.
- Next, you have to fill in all the details and prove that you are a US citizen. If you are not a US citizen, you can use free tools like FakeNameGenerator and FakeAddressGenerator to avoid the hassles.
- After successful creation, login to this account and click on “Apply”. Simple questions are asked here and you can answer them easily.
- Once you finish the above steps, a username and password are generated and now you have a valid Edu email address totally free of cost.
- California Community College –
The procedure followed is similar to the above method –
- Firstly, you need to visit the CCCApply
- From the options available under “Select a community college”, choose “Canada College” and proceed further.
- In the next step, you have to apply for admission by filling out the form displayed.
- Here you have to use California details while applying which can be easily generated using various tools available online.
- After this, you have to wait for the institute to respond and send you a free email id ending in “.edu” extension. (This might take up to two days)
- Diablo Valley College –
This method is also similar to the one mentioned above, only you have to apply to Diablo Valley College here. You need to enroll as a student by filling out the various forms provided and filling in the details. Then wait for the identification from the institute and that’s it you will receive your free Edu mail address.
There are many other sites through which you can get free Edu mail id by applying in a similar manner.
So, whether you are a college student or not, getting an Edu email id is very beneficial since you can avail of all the academic as well as non-academic advantages that come with it. All you need to do is register yourself as a student in an institute and get your student id. Many companies offer lucrative discounts with student accounts that can be availed with an Edu id. At last, you should definitely get this id either via your college if you are a student or through one of the free methods mentioned above if you are not a part of any institute and start utilizing its benefits.